IDRAN experts have just concluded the training course on the use of GIS software for flood risk management plans that was requested by the Autorità di bacino del fiume Tevere.

The course, that involved the technicians and managers of the river basin authority for 4 months for a total of 80 hours, guided the participants through theoretical lectures and hands on practical lessons to learn the use of GIS tools and data for producing thematic maps for the PAI and Floods Directive. In particular advanced techniques and analysis tools have been described relating to use of last generation field surveying topographic equipments (drone, laser scanner, lidar) and bidimensional hydraulic model data  that were used in the flood hazard map updating project for the Tiber, Aniene and minor rivers in the urban area of Rome. The course that was organized by IDRAN, in collaboration with eng. Fernando Nardi from University for Foreigners of Perugia, principal investigator of the PAI flood risk map updating project for the main rivers within the city of Rome urban area that participated with a seminar titled “DEM-based Hydrologic and Geomorphic analysis within GIS” (Download here).

The course program is available for download at the following LINK