Training course “GIS software for flood risk management plans”

Training course “GIS software for flood risk management plans”

IDRAN experts have just concluded the training course on the use of GIS software for flood risk management plans that was requested by the Autorità di bacino del fiume Tevere. The course, that involved the technicians and managers of the river basin authority for 4...
Award for the SMART-WORM software at the InNovaCamp

Award for the SMART-WORM software at the InNovaCamp

SMART-WORM the smart ITC platform for the analysis and management of the flood risk at the large scale was selected as one fo the winning ideas of the InNovaCamp competition. The presentation was held within the  Greening Generation, Environment and Energy session, on...
SMART-CUDE:  an IT platform for the river-road intersections design on large regionsSMART-CUDE: una piattaforma tecnologica per la progettazione tecnica ed economica su larga scala degli attraversamenti fluviali.SMART-CUDE: una piattaforma tecnologica per la progettazione tecnica ed economica su larga scala degli attraversamenti fluviali.

SMART-CUDE: an IT platform for the river-road intersections design on large regionsSMART-CUDE: una piattaforma tecnologica per la progettazione tecnica ed economica su larga scala degli attraversamenti fluviali.SMART-CUDE: una piattaforma tecnologica per la progettazione tecnica ed economica su larga scala degli attraversamenti fluviali.

SMART-CUDE is an application of the SMART-WORM IT platform that, taking the advantage of the advanced GIS and Remote Sensing tools, performs  hydrogeomorphic analyses on large regions to identify the most critical river-road intersections. SMART-CUDE is a valuable...