Company profile


IDRAN was born in 2011 for the technological transfer of skills and solutions developed in the university sector in the sectors of water resources, hydrogeological risk, hydrological and hydraulic analyzes for the planning, management and mitigation of environmental risks and in the development of ICT solutions.

 Water is our environment, it is at the core of our skills and solutions

Our Mission

Our mission is to collaborate with Public and Private Clients and with all sector operators to support them with authority and ability in daily challenges.
IDRAN is your ideal consultant and partner for every Development, Management and Protection project of landscape and environment.

Our services

Services offered by IDRAN are characterized in the development and application of innovative solutions for:

  • Hydrological, hydraulic, geological and geomorphological studies; planning restrictions analysis (hydrogeological, EIA / SEA, …) to support compatibility checks of urban and landscape development projects;
  • Environmental monitoring and characterization for the landscape, water resources and wastewater;
  • Design and supervision of river, maritime, construction and hydraulic engineering works.

IDRAN employs a team of academics and professionals with significant experience in earth science, civil, hydraulic and environmental engineering projects supported by human resources with advanced ICT skills applied to engineering and by an extensive network at national level and international academic and industrial partners.