Hydraulic Modeling Courses

IDRAN offers basic, intermediate, and advanced courses in 1D and 2D Hydraulic Modeling. The courses cover both the open-source software Hec-Ras and FLO-2D.

The Hec-Ras courses include theoretical modules and practical exercises, which can be tailored to the user’s specific needs. The course is aimed at professionals and public officials. Course duration and the type of exercises depend on the chosen level (from basic to advanced). IDRAN provides all the necessary materials to complete the exercises.

Thanks to the expertise of FLO-2D Europe technicians, the only ones authorized by FLO-2D Inc. USA and Hydronia LLC in Italy, IDRAN organizes two types of training seminars tailored to your specific needs, conducted either at our premises or yours:

  • The Basic Course
    Designed for beginners to learn the FLO-2D PRO software (in collaboration with FLO-2D Europe) through guided exercises included in the software, focusing on specific topics (e.g., coastal hydraulic risk, debris flow modeling, urban hydraulic risk, etc.). The course lasts 2 to 3 days depending on the specific topic, required content, and the number of participants.
  • The Customized Course
    Typically developed for a specific case of your own, this course is aimed at guided learning to complete a project using your data.